Papuan Community Asks TNI-Polri to Expel Armed Separatist Group (OPM) - Harian Papua


Minggu, 01 Desember 2019

Papuan Community Asks TNI-Polri to Expel Armed Separatist Group (OPM)

Papuan Community Asks TNI-Polri to Expel Armed Separatist Group (OPM)

The people of Kampung Kunga, Amukia District, Puncak Regency, Papua Province, hope that the TNI-Pori security apparatus can immediately expel Armed Separatist Groups (KSB) who are in the surrounding area, especially those from outside the Ilaga area.
Head of Information for Kodam XVII / Cenderawasih CPL Lieutenant Colonel Eko Daryanto said that the request was conveyed by the community during a stone-burning event in Kampung Kunga, Monday, September 16, 2019. On that occasion, the TNI requested that the people no longer be afraid of their daily activities.
Because, according to the Kunga village community, security forces in the Ilaga area of ​​Puncak Regency have the authority and legal responsibility in carrying out their duties according to the rules, in contrast to the Armed Separatist Group which has no law and even always commits acts of violence and criminal crimes that violate the law .
"Information is circulating that the people around Kunga Village feel uneasy and insecure with the Armed Separatist Group who often come to the Kunga Village area to force food on the people by force. If the chiefs or war chiefs oppose, the KSB will be killed, "said Eko.
Eko explained that on September 14, 2019 in the Mayuberi village area, Ilaga Utara District, a scandalous act had been carried out by the KSB led by Peni Murib and the Military Murib towards the community who worked as motorcycle taxi drivers by directly taking motorcycle keys and asking motorcycle taxi drivers. if you want the motorbike key back it must be exchanged for food. Then for the security and safety of the motorcycle taxi drivers agreed.
"At the stone burning event, the people asked for safety to avoid the actions of the Armed Separatist Group after the enforcement and law enforcement carried out by the joint security forces of the TNI / Polri against the Armed Separatist Group on August 24, 2019 and then in the Gome District area," said Eko.
Eko added that the stone burning event had been prepared a few days earlier using a budget derived from the voluntary contributions of the people of Kampung Kunga. In the stone burning event the community burned 5 pigs.

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